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Karen Baxter – CJG – 27/09/2021

The use of remand continues to be an issue in Scotland and Glasgow city, and this has become more acute during 2020-21.  The remand population in Scottish prison rose by a third during 2020-21 and this has been compounded by delays in trials.

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Tom Jackson – CJG – 22/08/2020

On a bleak December morning Street Cones, supported by colleagues in Community Justice Glasgow, welcomed individuals from across Scotland to the Barracks in Stirling (owned and operated by the Robertston Trust).  They had travelled through the wild weather to attend an interactive workshop based on their model of “Safe Space” and “The Road to Change”.

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Margaret Smith – CJG – 23/09/2021

Both Sacro and Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability share the Community Justice ambition for Community Payback to offer opportunity for rehabilitation as well as reparation for the harm caused.  As Community Justice partners, we believe that every interaction with the justice system should be an opportunity to reduce and prevent further offending.  The holistic approach that our delivery partners provide, supports those ambitions in Glasgow. 

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Margaret Smith – CJG –18/08/2020

It is not easy to strike a balance on the scales.  On the one hand, the argument is that people should be held to account by means of punishment for their offending and the often destructive impact on communities and victims that this has.  Many observers and commentators on the Justice System, including the media, reinforce a rhetoric that prison, as a punishment, delivers this.  On the other hand, many would argue that in reality a rehabilitative approach, providing the support that people need to become more positive citizens and contributors to society delivers better outcomes for all.

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Karen Kyle – Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau – 27/09/2021

Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) has run an outreach service for prisoners and their families in Barlinnie Prison for over 15 years.  Recent research was undertaken to measure the impact of this service on people who had been remanded pre-trial.  There were 52 men in this sample who had been assisted by Parkhead CAB in the last two years – this formed the sample used to research the impact of this service on remand prisoners.

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Hamish Robertson – Wise Group – 27/09/2021

All of us in the sector know that our justice services in Scotland continue to offer a lifeline to people leaving prison, on their way to recovering socially and economically. The publication of the Scottish Government’s report, Understanding the Social Care Support Needs of Scotland’s Prison Population, highlights that justice mentoring is a public health issue as much as a judicial one.

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Mark MacNicol – Street Cones – 24/09/2021

Giving voice to those who experience justice services is key to planning and shaping those services to best achieve the City’s ambitions around reducing re-offending – who knows better than the people who have lived experience what is needed to help them move away from offending.

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Street Cones – 31/03/2021

This pilot project is about giving young people in G20 a platform to ‘Say Something’ they feel passionate about.

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Street Cones

Using our ROAD TO CHANGE model they include a range of creative techniques within what we refer to as ‘the privileged environment’. This format uses fiction as a safety net to build characters and story worlds with authentic back stories. This is despite no personal details being shared during these sessions. In a safe and non-triggering space participants are supported on a journey of self-exploration (using fiction as a proxy).

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Gordon Liddle – Nemo Arts – 24/09/2021

March 2020 seems a long time ago but will be etched on the memories of all of us who have experienced this time of Covid-19, a global pandemic that has taken the lives of so many people. March was when we all took cover, we did what we were told and we locked our doors, had food delivered and began to find a new way to live and work. That is, if we didn’t belong to the amazing brave group of frontline workers who still had to go to work as normal.

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Gambling Commission

The Strategy Implementation Group is a group of organisations which have come together to coordinate the delivery of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms (the National Strategy) in Scotland.

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Mary Thomson – SACRO –13/08/2020

Sacro’s Veterans Mentoring Service (VMS) provides support to veterans who have become, or are at risk of becoming, involved in the criminal justice system. The service also includes those veterans about to leave the Armed Forces through dishonourable discharge or disciplinary dismissal.

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Mary Thomson – SACRO – 16/08/2020

The aim of the project is to provide a pathway to recovery, wellbeing, and employment through horticulture. The Garden Project provides individuals with the knowledge, skills and means to cultivate fresh fruit and vegetables to supplement a healthier diet, adding to the wellbeing of both the individual and their families.

Article | Prevention

Lynsey Wiseman – GCC – 14/08/2020

Neighbourhoods & Sustainability (N&S) link very closely with the Community Justice Glasgow team and with the partners that make up the Community Justice Glasgow Partnership.  We very much recognise that Community Payback is about much more than supervising unpaid work.  

Report | Prevention

Howard League Scotland – 21/05/2021

The context for this report is the ongoing debate on the use of remand for pre-trial prisoners. In the last 20 years the number of people in Scottish prisons has risen and the figures indicate an increasing use of remand. In 2020 in Barlinnie prison some 29 per cent of all prisoners were those remanded pre-trial.

Report | Prevention

Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau – March 2021

A report on the work of the Parkhead Citizens Advice Bureau with prisoners on remand in Barlinnie Prison.

Report | PDF | Prevention

CJG – 2018

Our framework sets out the agreed structural and person-centric outcomes that our partnership will measure and report on. It is designed to ensure that our activity follows a logic chain that describes how we will contribute to both local and national outcomes.

Report | PDF | Prevention

CJG – 2018

The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act in 2015 requires the Partnership to publish a plan that sets out our shared priorities for the city, where we plan to make improvements and over time show that we have made these improvements. This document sets out the priority and focus areas from October 2017 onwards.

Report | PDF | Prevention


The purpose of this pack is to provide information on alternatives to prosecution, remand and custody available in Scotland. This information pack aims to promote better understanding of prosecution and sentencing options and why certain offences/offenders are dealt with in certain ways.

Framework | Prevention

Scottish Government

The framework is for all of Scotland. This aims to create a more successful country, give opportunities to all people living in Scotland, increase the wellbeing of people living in Scotland, create sustainable and inclusive growth, reduce inequalities and give equal importance to economic, environmental and social progress.

Legislation | Prevention


The Gambling Act 2005 sets out how gambling in Great Britain is regulated. It came fully into force in September 2007, and covers arcades, betting, bingo, casinos, gaming machines, society lotteries, and remote gambling (including online gambling).

Legislation | Prevention

Legislation.gov.uk – 2016

This strategy provides a shared vision to help partners and communities work together effectively to improve community justice outcomes.  The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 places duties on statutory partners who have a key role to play in improving community justice outcomes.

Youtube Video | Prevention

Streetcones – 05/05/2021

StreetCones have been working with a group of women serving community service (unpaid work) as alternative to custody. With our support they have devised a stage play script which they recently read in front of a small invited audience. The hours spent in this 12 week module went toward their total hours allocated by the court.

Youtube Video | Prevention

Streetcones – 18/05/2021

StreetCones have been working with a group of veterans serving community sentences (unpaid work) as alternative to custody. With our support they have devised a stage play script which they recently performed in front of an online audience. The hours spent in this 12 week module went toward their total hours allocated by the court.

Youtube Video | Prevention

Streetcones – 26/05/2021

StreetCones have been working with a group of Aberdeenshire participants serving community sentences (unpaid work) as an alternative to custody. With our support they have devised a stage play script which they recently performed in front of an online audience. The hours spent in this 12 week module went toward their total hours allocated by the court.

Youtube Video | Prevention

Streetcones – 31/03/2021

This project is about giving inner city youth a platform to ‘Say Something’ they feel passionate about using the medium of film.

Youtube Video | Prevention

SACRO – September 2021

Short video on SACRO’s 3 step approach to gradually build confidence and skills towards the intended outcome of a positive destination such as an apprenticeship or employment.

Webpage | Prevention


The Sacro Bail Mentoring service works to prevent unnecessary custodial remands, re-offending on bail and non-attendance at court by offering a mentoring service.

Website | Prevention


Sacro is a Scottish community justice organisation which works to deliver life-changing services that empower people, give hope and protection, and help to build safe communities. Sacro provides a wide range of direct, innovative services in Community Justice, Public Protection, Care and Housing. 

Website | Prevention


Nemo Arts work with adults in recovery from poor mental health. People can be referred through mental health services like the NHS or community mental health teams, psychiatric nurses, and occupational therapists.

Report | PDF | Prevention

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

Report | PDF | Prevention

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland

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Glasgow City Alcohol and Drug Partnership

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National Prison Care Network

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HM Inspectorate of Prison

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