Article | Service Users Voice
Margaret Smith – CJG – 06/10/2021
Article on delivering a user led service. Those directly involved with using a service should be at the centre of the planning and delivery of services. User led services are led by the people who will be using those services, or by people who share very similar circumstances to the target service user group (or members, or consumers, or clients, or other term that the people in that situation prefer to use).

Article | Service Users Voice
Tom Jackson – CJG – 22/08/2020
On a bleak December morning Street Cones, supported by colleagues in Community Justice Glasgow, welcomed individuals from across Scotland to the Barracks in Stirling (owned and operated by the Robertston Trust. They had travelled through the wild weather to attend an interactive workshop based on their model of “Safe Space” and “The Road to Change”.

Article | Service Users Voice
Margaret Smith – CJG – 28/09/2021
Both Sacro and Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability share the Community Justice ambition for Community Payback to offer opportunity for rehabilitation as well as reparation for the harm caused. As Community Justice partners, we believe that every interaction with the justice system should be an opportunity to reduce and prevent further offending. The holistic approach that our delivery partners provide, supports those ambitions in Glasgow.

Article | Service Users Voice
Beth Weaver and Claire Lightowler – IRISS – 15/02/2012
This Insight, focuses on the issue of involving those who have offended in shaping the criminal justice system, exploring the different models of involvement, the effectiveness of different approaches and the implications for Criminal Justice Social Work services. Written by Beth Weaver (Glasgow School of Social Work, University of Strathclyde) and Claire Lightowler (Iriss).

Article | Service Users Voice
Scottish Sentencing Council
Rehabilitation should be the primary purpose of sentencing young people in Scotland, according to a new report which explored the views of 14-25 year olds across Scotland. Participants in the research also felt that sentences should attempt to repair the harm done to victims.

Article | Service Users Voice
Dominic Clarke – GHSCP – 28/09/2021
The User Voice workstream, was formed in 2020/21 with a long-term aspiration in Glasgow that client involvement and feedback would influence the design, management and the development of Community Justice services in the future.

Report | Victims
Scottish Government – 08/05/2015
This evidence review was undertaken to support strategic thinking regarding what works to reduce reoffending. The aim of the review was to examine the research into reducing reoffending, the process(es) by which individuals stop offending, and the impact of the criminal justice system in these processes. It does not consider strategies to reduce the risk of crime more generally, such as through early interventions, increasing the costs of offending or reducing opportunities to offend, as these areas are the focus of a separate Scottish Government published review of the literature on what works to reduce crime.

Report | Service Users Voice
Dr Johanne Miller and Dr Sarah Anderson – Scottish Sentencing Council – August 2021
The Council was specifically looking to engage with young people, including young people with convictions, around the topics covered by the draft guideline on sentencing young people. This research provided an important opportunity for the views of young people to feed back into the development of the guideline and draw on their experiences.

Report | Service Users Voice
Scottish Sentencing Council
The committee established at stage 1 will oversee the drafting of the guideline, and all the work involved in developing it. At stage 2, our work will focus on engaging with those who have an interest or expertise in the guideline topic (who we refer to as stakeholders), gathering evidence, and developing a first draft of the guideline.

Report | Service Users Voice
The purpose of this pack is to provide information on alternatives to prosecution, remand and custody available in Scotland. This information pack aims to promote better understanding of prosecution and sentencing options and why certain offences/offenders are dealt with in certain ways.

Report | PDF | Service Users Voice
CJG – 2023
Community Justice Glasgow Outcome & Performance Improvement Reporting Framework 2023-2028

Report | PDF | Service Users Voice
CJG – 2018
Our framework sets out the agreed structural and person-centric outcomes that our partnership will measure and report on. It is designed to ensure that our activity follows a logic chain that describes how we will contribute to both local and national outcomes.

Website | Service Users Voice
NHS Education for Scotland
In 2016 NHS Education for Scotland was asked by the Scottish Government to develop a set of resources to promote and implement trauma informed practice within Scotland. This was due to the growing recognition of the impact of traumatic experiences on people.

Website | Service Users Voice
Creative Change Collective
Creative Change Collective was established in 2014, charitable status granted in 2015 (SC046250) and a board of trustees appointed. We bring together professionals from the creative industries alongside individuals with lived experience. A variety of creative approaches are used to achieve our objectives.

Website | Service Users Voice
The Robertson Trust
The Robertson Trust is the largest independent grant-making trust in Scotland. Their vision is for a fair and compassionate Scotland where everyone is valued and able to flourish.

YouTube Video | Service Users Voice
The Promise Scotland
The Promise Scotland Podcast Episode 2: Young people and Hearings System redesign

PDF | Throughcare
Scottish Recovery Network