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Richard Hill – CJG – 06/10/2021

With effective data sharing protocols across public serving agencies, services can be better connected to identify smaller problems before they become larger more difficult ones. Data sharing is only a small part of moving towards proactive preventative services delivery models, moving away from reactionary services.

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Karen Baxter – CJG – 06/10/2021

After an initial introduction at our Partnership meeting, our members felt it would be most beneficial to arrange a dedicated information session, open to all of our working group members and partner organisations, to provide an overview of what Social Security Scotland does.  Other community justice partnerships were also welcomed to the session and contact details were shared for all of the local Social Security Scotland key contacts across Scotland, providing the opportunity for further events in other localities to help this useful information to be shared as widely as possible.

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Tom Jackson – CJG – 06/10/2021

Resources will always be limited, particularly in the current economy. It is fundamental that services work jointly in partnership and share resources as a means to overcome limitations and achieve maximum efficiencies. You will see this re-iterated and demonstrated as you dip in and out of articles across this and previous annual report(ers).

Article | Service & Resource Alignment

Tom Jackson – CJG – 20/08/2020

In 2018–19, through a collaborative process, the Partnership committed to initially addressing issues to enhance Diversion from Prosecution opportunities and to provide more robust alternatives to remand.

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Jacqui Hughes – DWP – 20/08/2020

During a Glasgow Working Group on Women and Offending workshop, I recognised the potential benefits of increasing awareness of DWP reforms and benefits, such as Universal Credit, with our partner organisations and services. 

Report | PDF | Service & Resource Alignment

Tom Jackson – CJG – 20/08/2020

This programme will bring together international, multi-disciplinary academic and industry leaders in the respective fields of social cooperatives, social enterprise and the social economy; community justice, social work and public health; and economic sociology, criminology, governance and public policy to inform the development of social enterprise and cooperative structures of employment in both work generation and integration for people involved in the justice system, by sharing international research evidence and policy and practice expertise across academic and professional disciplines that have heretofore developed separately.

Report | Service & Resource Alignment

Scottish Government – 29/06/2011

Report on the future delivery of public services by the commission chaired by Dr Campbell Christie. Published on 29 June 2011.

Report | Service & Resource Alignment


This guide explains the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to help organisations comply with its requirements.

Report | Service & Resource Alignment

University of Birmingham 

The focus of high quality commissioning is on citizenship, health and wellbeing: achieving good outcomes with people using evidence, local knowledge, skills and resources to best effect. This means working in partnership across the health and social care system to promote health and wellbeing and prevent, as far as is possible, the need for health and social care.

Report | Service & Resource Alignment


STOP is a Scottish Government-funded service which tackles Sectarian and all other Hate Crime offending. The service is available to anyone aged 12 and over who has been charged with a first time and/or a low to moderate level Sectarian or Hate Crime offence.

Report | Service & Resource Alignment

Scottish Sentencing Council – August 2021

The aim of the project is to explore the attitudes of young people, including young people with convictions, to the sentencing of young people. The project should specifically explore themes and issues that arise out of the Council’s draft guideline on sentencing young people.

Report | PDF | Service & Resource Alignment

NHS Clinical Commissioners – 2018

The purpose of the Integrated Commissioning for Better Outcomes framework is to support the general integration agenda across health and local government and promote consensus on good practice. The framework has been funded by DHSC, and jointly commissioned by the LGA and NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC).

Legislation | Service & Resource Alignment

Legislation.gov.uk – 2016

This strategy provides a shared vision to help partners and communities work together effectively to improve community justice outcomes. The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 places duties on statutory partners who have a key role to play in improving community justice outcomes.

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Scottish Prison Services

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) is an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government and was first established in April 1993. Their Framework Document sets out the policy and resources framework set by Scottish Ministers within which the SPS operates. As an Executive Agency, the SPS is funded by the Scottish Government.

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Social Security Scotland

Guidance on different resources available to individuals.

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Social Security Scotland

Links to resources available to stakeholders.

Vimeo | Service & Resource Alignment

Social Security Scotland

The Social Security Scotland Vimeo channel has over 80 videos, including in British Sign Language, this is a link to see the full range of information videos on the payments they manage.

YouTube Video | Service & Resource Alignment

Universal Credit In Action – June 2017

This overview shows the service as of June 2017. Changes and additions will be made over time but the general service will remain the same.

YouTube Video | Service & Resource Alignment

Complex Needs Service – June 2022

Overview of the then new Complex Needs Service – a highly personalised, holistic wrap-around service for people presenting with multiple and complex health and social care needs.

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Scottish Government

The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 (the Act) provides the legislative framework for the model of community justice.

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Community Justice Glasgow

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Last modified: 24 October 2022
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