Founder, Glasgow Girls Club

As a social enterprise, the Glasgow Girls Club remains committed to expanding and improving ‘Community Tech’—delivering innovative apps and software to meet the needs of third sector and public sector clients. The Let’s Get app, commissioned by Community Justice Glasgow is now in its third year of operation and continues to play a vital role in connecting organisations and individuals across the City. It has grown in both popularity and scope, serving as an essential resource in supporting issues such as:

  • Addictions
  • Trauma
  • Poverty
  • Mental health
  • Unemployment
  • Homelessness
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

The app continues to be embraced by a variety of stakeholders, including Police Scotland, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, Social Workers, Alcohol & Drug Partnership, health professionals and community-based organisations, who use it to access over 800 services. By enabling early intervention and preventive support, the app continues to serve as a critical tool in supporting reductions in the risk of reoffending and ensuring that individuals receive the help they need to address some of the drivers that bring them into contact with the justice system.

The Let’s Get app has maintained consistent user engagement year-on-year, with a significant yearly rise in overall activity. This year, we recorded a 30% increase in active users compared to the previous year, demonstrating the growing reliance on the app as a key tool for accessing services and support. This increase reflects not only the demand for services but also the app’s ability to meet users’ evolving needs.

Over the past year, we have been working on several exciting new features designed to enhance the user experience and increase the app’s utility:

One of our new features is an interactive map, which provides users with visibility of services in specific geographic areas. This feature allows individuals and organisations to easily locate nearby services tailored to their needs, making navigation and access more intuitive. Whether someone is seeking support for mental health, housing, or addiction services, the map provides a clear and convenient way to connect with local resources. This development request was made by colleagues at Police Scotland, who report that frontline officers continue to use the app as a primary tool to connect vulnerable individuals during times of crisis. 

“The app has provided Police Officers across Greater Glasgow Division with an additional operational tool with which to offer vulnerable members of our communities’ guidance and support tailored to their specific needs. The app provides officers with a route for self-referral in addition to the assistance we seek from our partners and is an excellent development in support of public service.”

Public Health Coordinator
Police Scotland (Greater Glasgow Division)

Looking towards the future, we are excited to announce several upcoming features that will further improve the app’s functionality and reach:

  • Volunteering Search Category: A dedicated search category will soon launch in partnership with Volunteer Glasgow to help users find volunteer opportunities. This feature is aimed at fostering stronger community engagement and providing individuals with meaningful ways to give back and develop skills. These will be searchable at local ward levels.
  • Lived Experience Toolkits: We are also in the final stages of developing a section for toolkits that will offer practical support and guidance for people with specific life experiences common in the justice system. These toolkits will be made available within the app, signposting users to resources that can aide work in this area.

As we continue to refine and expand the Let’s Get app, we remain committed to creating technology that serves communities, connects people to the services they need, and fosters a more connected, resilient society.

Figure 1: Page and Unique User Numbers – 2023-24
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Last modified: 28 October 2024
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