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Health Improvement Lead - Community Justice, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

People in contact with any aspect of the justice system are more likely than the general population to have significant health and social care needs and face barriers to accessing services. There is a lack of evidence concerning the specific health needs of those sentenced in the community in Scotland. However, we do know that people who have offended frequently experience multiple and complex health issues – commonly associated with difficulties accessing community health and social care services. The Vision for Justice, set out in the National Strategy for Community Justice in Scotland recognises actions to reduce inequalities and improve the health of people involved in the justice system benefits the whole of society, through reduced reoffending, resulting in a reduction in crime and unintentional harm to our communities.

In September 2023, Community Justice Glasgow, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Neighbourhoods, Regeneration & Sustainability (NRS) – the largest of the organisations providing Community Payback Unpaid Work in Glasgow – facilitated a health and wellbeing event for people serving a Community Payback Order (CPOs) in Glasgow City. Working collaboratively with statutory community justice partners and community services the event was designed and delivered with the aim of supporting clients to engage more fully with services that might interest them and address potential health needs.

The Event evaluation helped define health and wellbeing priorities, as identified by people serving CPOs, then combined with local public health priorities to shape the development of the Glasgow City Health and Wellbeing Programme.

For each identified priority, the programme combines an unpaid work supervisor or social care staff training officer with an action intended to directly address the health needs of individuals serving a CPO. The work aims to improve health, reduce inequalities, improve understanding of community services, and therefore contribute to reducing reoffending.

So far in year one NHS, Local Authority and 3rd Sector partners in Glasgow City have worked to deliver a rolling programme of alcohol, drug, sexual health, and blood-borne viruses (BBV), mental health, suicide prevention awareness, women’s health, financial health, and physical health actions. 

Illustrating the programmes approach through the alcohol work, we utilised an existing local contract, managed via Health Improvement, with Glasgow Council on Alcohol. They developed and delivered a Community Justice specific alcohol awareness session, scheduled at regular intervals throughout the year. Alcohol Brief Intervention (ABI) training was also offered to Unpaid Work (UPW) staff. 

So far, 120 CPO clients have attended awareness sessions and 100% of UPW staff are on course to be ABI trained. UPW staff have also developed a recording system allowing ABIs delivered in community justice settings to count towards NHSGGC’s reporting to the Scottish Government. 

In addition to the stated health and wellbeing aims this work seeks to deliver improved community justice outcomes through strengthened local partnerships and collaborative strategic planning.

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Last modified: 31 October 2024
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