Written by 11:48 RE-INTEGRATION



Service Manager, Justice Services, Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership

In 2024, the Scottish Government recognised that the rise in prison population had met the threshold for a programme of Emergency Release (under section 11 of the Bail and Release from Custody (Scotland) Act 2023) to protect the rights and safety of people living and working in prison establishments.

Within Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership (HSCP), Justice Services prison and community based Social Work teams, worked alongside prison based Homelessness Services and Health services, by contributing to a local project team set up in each Scottish Prison Service establishment to manage the release process. 

Taking place over four tranches, this involved rigorous scrutiny of systems, records and risk assessments to ensure compliance with release eligibility and supporting access to housing, health and financial support where it was required. In order to support arrangements, approval was also given by direct award for five short term supported accommodation placements with Crossreach. These are prioritised for individuals with significant vulnerabilities/challenges around tenancy sustainment and who would have otherwise been homeless on release.

Arrangement will be reviewed and evaluated later in the year, relating to outcomes focused on reducing the risks of reoffending, watch this space for more details of that upcoming review and the outcomes of Emergency Early Release in the Reporter 2025.

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Last modified: 26 September 2024
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