Service Manager (Community Payback & Wood Operations) Neighbourhoods, Regeneration & Sustainability, Glasgow City Council

Multiply: ‘making numbers count’ for unpaid work clients – Unpaid work as part of a Community Payback Order provides clients the opportunity to make amends for harms caused as a result of offending. Reparation in the form of manual labour helps to ‘payback’ to communities and this often forms the greatest percentage of unpaid work hours, however the dual purpose of the order is to positively impact on the individual and provide opportunities for personal development, supporting a desistance from offending.

NRS and key partners continually pursue and champion ways of creating these opportunities as an integral component of unpaid work. This year, Multiply, a multi-million-pound programme aimed at supporting functional numeracy skills, is being delivered via Glasgow Kelvin College to interested clients. Persuading external organisations to deliver within Payback facilities, during our point of contact with clients is key to the on-going success of developing clients’ skills, education and employability.

Tutor led sessions are delivered on a weekly basis supporting clients build confidence with numbers, improve life skills, and break down the barriers that can often exist, with perceptions of further education being unachievable. From Term 1 starting in October 2023 through to Term 2 ending in March 2024, 42 clients attended a combined total of 144 sessions, and completed 360 hours of numeracy skills work. While developing number skills undoubtedly supports in everyday life areas such as managing budgets and building confidence to navigate paperwork, the below client feedback shows where the impact can truly be felt and recognised by clients on a personal level. 

“I’ve always struggled with numbers and didn’t leave school with any qualifications. My daughter visits me a few days a week and I can now sit down with her and help with her homework, I feel like a real dad being able to do that and without the help on the course I wouldn’t have been able to.”

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Last modified: 1 October 2024
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