Article | Women

Tom Jackson – CJG – 28/09/2021

Background on project through a partnership lens and the development of the data sharing agreement.

Article | Women

Karen Baxter – CJG

The Women’s Justice Cross Party Group has been meeting since 2018. The purpose of the Group is to “Focus on every aspect of women’s experience of the justice system.” It is made up of Members of the Scottish parliament (MSPs) across the political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament, and representatives from the other organisations.

Article | Women

Anne Pinkman – CJG

To raise awareness and illustrate of the issues around the impact imprisonment can have on children when their mother is imprisoned and why it is so important that mothers at risk of custody tell their solicitor or social worker that they have children a series of 4 films were launched earlier this year (2021). These films were produced for Sentencers, Advocates, Defence Agents, Criminal Justice Social Workers and mothers at risk if custody. There is also a stand-alone film that tells the true moving account of the enormous impact a prison sentence had on a mother and her 2 boys, entitled Ang’s story.

Article | Women

Karen Baxter – CJG

Community Justice Glasgow facilitates the Glasgow Working group on Women and Offending, which brings together partners from across the city who are involved in working with women who have contact with justice services. This includes universal services as well as dedicated community justice services.

Article | Women

Tracy McFall – GWGWO – 28/09/2021

A retrospective account of The Glasgow Working Group on Women & Offending.

Article | Women

Tracy McFall – GWGWO

The COSLA Excellence awards celebrate the very best in Scottish local government.  The 2019 awards ceremony was held on Thursday 10 October in St. Andrew’s and Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow (TWG) was shortlisted as one of the best three nominations within Category 2: Achieving Better Outcomes in Partnership. TWG won first prize, the Gold Award, on the night!

Article | Women


United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules).

Article | Women

Scottish Prison Service (SPS)

The Cabinet Secretary announced that the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) has acquired a site in Maryhill, Glasgow, with the intention of building one of the first Community Custody Unit (CCU) for women in Scotland there. The CCU will be based on the site of the former Maryhill Health Centre.  With a second site to be identified in the city of Dundee.

Article | Women

Rhona Innes – Shine Women’s Mentoring Service

Shine worked closely with partners to create liberation packs which included the provision of phones for women being liberated from prison since “gate pick-up’s” on day of release was no longer possible.

Article | Women

Amy Rew – Glasgow Girls Club

The Glasgow Girls Club (GGC) is born from our sister organisation based in New York (NYC).  In 2013 I had the opportunity to spend a year in NYC, where I was deeply moved by the work of the Lower East Side Girls Club (LESGC). LESGC is a non-profit that gives local young women a place to connect, thrive and grow.

Article | Women

Linda McLaughlin – North East Criminal Justice Women’s Team

Article including case studies showing positive outcomes for service users.

Report | PDF | Women

Scottish Government – 2012

Final report of the Commission on Women Offenders, which was established to examine how female offenders are dealt with in the criminal justice system.

Report | Webpage | Women

Scottish Government – 08/02/2022

The Scottish Governments transformative vision of the future justice system for Scotland, spanning the full journey of criminal, civil and administrative justice, with a focus on creating safer communities and shifting societal attitudes and circumstances which perpetuate crime and harm.

Report | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 19/12/2020

Learning report outlining the key barriers and enablers and future action and support highlighted by participants during discussions with a number of key messages being identified throughout the event.

Report | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 08/12/2020

This learning event brought together over 100 attendees across the statutory and third sectors from local authority areas across Scotland, encompassing a wide range of professionals working to improve outcomes for women and children affected by VAW in their local authority area. Participants included practitioners and frontline workers, service managers, policy leads, senior leaders and Elected Members.

Report | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 28/01/2021

This learning event brought together over 100 attendees across statutory and third sectors, encompassing a wide range of professionals working to improve outcomes for people involved in the justice system in their local authority area. Participants included practitioners and frontline workers, service managers, policy leads, senior leaders and Elected Members.

Report | PDF | Women

Prison Reform Trust – October 2017

The impact on children of parental imprisonment is profound – this briefing looks at working to reduce the female prison population in Scotland. Updated account of March report.

Report | PDF | Women

Prison Reform Trust – 2014

This report, based on information gathered by Soroptimists across the UK in 2013-14 about what happens in their local areas to women who offend, or are at risk of offending, highlights progress and good practice whilst identifying constraints, gaps and shortcomings in local service provision.

Report | PDF | Women

Prison Reform Trust – 2017

The purpose of this briefing is to highlight the links between women’s victimisation and their offending and make recommendations that will help break the cycle. The intention is neither to pathologise nor to exculpate women offenders affected by domestic abuse, but to understand the factors underlying their offending and ensure that these are fully and fairly taken into account in decision-making by criminal justice agencies.

Report | PDF | Women

Scottish Sentencing Council – 06/03/2017

The purpose and outcomes for the discussion event were to increase the Council’s and other attendees’ awareness and understanding of what rights children may have in respect of a parent who is being sentenced, whether the court would consider it to be mitigation for an offender to have caring responsibilities, he practice in other jurisdictions in relation to children and the sentencing of parents, whether the court has a role in ensuring support for dependants when a custodial sentence is imposed on a particular offender and, how information from the discussion event might be disseminated to the wider public by the Council, or reflected by the Council in guidelines or otherwise.

Report | Webpage | Women

NHS Education for Scotland

In 2016 NHS Education for Scotland was asked by the Scottish Government to develop a set of resources to promote and implement trauma informed practice within Scotland.  This was due to the growing and recognition of the impact of traumatic experiences on people.

Slides | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 19/12/2020

Slides | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 08/12/2020

Slides | PDF | Women

Improvement Service – 28/01/2021

Speakers slides from event.

Legislation | Women

Legislation.gov.uk – 2016

This strategy provides a shared vision to help partners and communities work together effectively to improve community justice outcomes. The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 places duties on statutory partners who have a key role to play in improving community justice outcomes.

Leaflet | Women


Leaflet produced by SWGWO, Scottish Community Justice Authorities, UKPAC and the Prison Reform Trust with information on Women offenders in Scotland.

Website | Women

Simon Community Scotland

The Simon Community is a charity which helps homeless people, taking its name from Simon of Cyrene.

Website | Women

Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow’s website.

Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow (TWG) are an innovative and unique Criminal Justice centre based in the Gorbals area of Glasgow. We work with women who have very complex needs and who are involved in the Criminal Justice system. Our main aim is to enable women to reduce their offending and to address their needs and issues that prevent them from living positive healthy lives.

Website | Women

Outcomes Star

Outcomes Stars are evidence-based tools designed to support positive change and greater wellbeing, with scales presented in a star shape and measured on a clearly defined ‘Journey of Change’. The Outcomes Star is completed as part of conversations between individuals and support practitioners such as key workers.

Website | Women

Early Years Scotland

Early Years Scotland is committed to providing the very best start in life for every child in Scotland.  They are the leading national third sector organisation for children pre-birth to 5.  Their remit is broad although has a strong focus on the professionals and families who care for the youngest members of our communities.

Website | Women


Engender is Scotland’s feminist membership organisation.  They have a vision for Scotland in which women and men have equal opportunities in life, equal access to resources and power, and are equally safe and secure from harm.

Website | Women

Justice for Women

Justice for Women is a feminist organisation that supports, and advocates on behalf of, women who have fought back against or killed violent male partners.

Website | Women


Glasgow Girls Club engages and mentors girls and young women of disadvantaged areas of Glasgow. Working across multiple disciplines participants are supported to explore issues that affect both themselves and their communities, covering everything from cat-calling and positive body image to food justice and the role of the media.

Website | Women


The Lower Eastside Girls Club connects young women and gender-expansive youth of colour throughout New York City to healthy and successful futures through free, innovative year-round programming and mentoring.

Website | Women

Cross Party Group on Womens Justice

The purpose of the Group is to focus on every aspect of women’s experience of the justice system.

Website | Women

Scottish Government – 31/01/2022

The Scottish Governments work to prevent and reduce the negative impact of childhood adversity and trauma.

Youtube Video | Women

Judicial Institute for Scotland 22/04/2021

The films for Sentencers are hosted by the Judicial Institute for Scotland to be used for training and awareness raising for all High Court judges and Sheriffs in Scotland. The film for Advocates, Defence Agents and Criminal Justice Social Workers is also hosted by the Judicial Institute for Scotland and Community Justice Scotland. Community Justice Scotland will use this film for training of Criminal Justice Social Workers and others involved in delivering support to women involved in offending (these are for internal use).

Youtube Video | Women

Judicial Institute for Scotland 22/04/2021

A stand-alone film that tells the true moving account of the enormous impact a prison sentence had on a mother and her 2 boys, entitled Ang’s story.

Youtube Video | Women

GGC – 14/12/2017

Sam telling her story to try and help others that find themselves in a similar situation.

Vimeo Video | Women

GGC – 06/06/2018

Two GGC members embarked on a journey to New York to find out what it meant to ‘Pure Love Yourself’ in the USA to try and turn this phrase from a negative to a positive to show there is nothing wrong with loving yourself.

Vimeo Video | Women

GGC – 2018

Video documenting their trip to New York to interview other young women to find out what their lifes where like, what their opinions where and what they could learn from each other.

Youtube Video | Women

Glasgow Community Planning Partnership – 09/01/2020

These films were made by people with living and/or lived experience of the justice system as part of our commitment around engagement, one of those films features the Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow service through the eyes of those who benefit – the women themselves!

Youtube Video | Women

Turning Point Scotland – 05/04/2019

What is 218? We believe that there are more effective ways to reduce reoffending than short term prison sentences. Turning Point Scotland 218 provides an alternative to custody for women in the justice system. We provide programmes of intensive support and group work to empower the women to address the root causes of their offending. With a view to support them to break the cycle of offending which results in the ‘revolving door’ syndrome of maintaining their involvement in the criminal justice system and prison service.

Youtube Video | Women

Street Cones – 05/05/2021

StreetCones have been working with a group of women serving community service (unpaid work) as alternative to custody. With our support they have devised a stage play script which they recently read in front of a small invited audience. The hours spent in this 12 week module went toward their total hours allocated by the court.

BBC News Video | Women

BBC – 01/02/2019

Samantha became homeless when she was 16. After low-level offending she faced being sent to prison for a longer sentence. Instead, she got the offer of probation and support through Glasgow charity Achieve More which runs dance and football training. She says: “It meant I could just get everything off my chest and I never had that before.”

BBC News Video | Women

BBC – 01/02/2019

A hybrid in-person and online event to talk about Community Justice for women in Glasgow, facilitated by Street Cones, with contributions from Tomorrow’s Women Glasgow, 218, Shine, Glasgow Girl’s Club and Media Education also preview the latest ‘Shared Sentences’ film (Women in the Justice System).

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Last modified: 14 October 2024
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