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Lyn Pyper – CJG – 02/09/2020

To mark Scotland’s Social Enterprise Week on 2nd-8th September 2019, Community Justice Glasgow held an event on in the headquarters they share with many community safety and justice partners.  The event was held in the large open-plan atrium, where all staff and visitors to the building would see it and be able to get involved.

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Derek Brown – Community Safety & Regulatory Services – 29/09/2021

The last year has proved challenging for all, be it an individual or a partner agency. It has forced ChoiceWorks to look at how it delivers its Programme both to the service user and its engagement with partners, particularly at a time when many may be vulnerable to mental health and addiction issues, and relationship breakdowns.

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Alison McCrae – Adult Employment, GCC – 29/09/2021

Staff from Economic Development in Glasgow City Council have had ongoing involvement in the Community Justice Glasgow Partnership’s (CJG) Learning, Skills and Employment Group for a number of years. A strong partnership with staff from CJG has developed and the collaborative meetings have led to a vast amount of specialisms and expertise being shared across the services that attend.

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Scottish Housing News – 17/12/2018

A pioneering Wheatley Foundation project helping long-term unemployed into work has delivered more than £8 million of social value to Scotland’s largest city. Way Ahead has helped more than 320 people over the past year in Glasgow overcome barriers to work, training and education. It is aimed at people aged 29 plus with an addiction, homeless or offending background and employs a pioneering one-to-one mentoring approach.

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Nick Brown – Volunteering Glasgow – 29/09/2021

here have been positive developments in volunteering arrangements over recent years and, as a result, the profile of volunteering has arguably never been higher. Perhaps the principal example of this is the Scottish Government’s Volunteering for All Framework which represents a major step forward with its stated vision “of a Scotland where everyone can volunteer, more often, and throughout their lives.” 

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Alastair Muir – Police Scotland, Violence Reduction Unit – 29/09/2021

With two catering bases and six young Trainees at any one time, the project which works alongside Police Scotland officers was being recognised (globally) as a successful model to help develop young people towards a more positive future.  Different Police Forces around the UK including London and Yorkshire have visited as well as interest in the approach from as far afield as New Zealand, Brazil and France.

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Anne Fotheringham – Glasgow Times – 14/12/2018

People with a criminal record can often struggle to find employment but research shows that getting a job can be one of the biggest factors in preventing reoffending.

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Reevel Alderson – BBC News – 20/01/2017

Offenders with a violent history are to be offered a new chance to change their lives, following the success of an American-style training project.  The Street & Arrow food truck, in Glasgow’s Partick, is to take on additional trainees by March 2017.  And it plans to expand operations across Scotland to address the social challenges of those with criminal convictions.

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Coleen Willoughby – Glasgow Life – 29/09/2021

Glasgow Life has been working in partnership with Scottish Prison Service – HMP Barlinnie and the Throughcare Strategy Group to offer inmates enhanced support to apply for and maintain their Universal Credit (UC) claim on release. In the pre-release period the service, which is now offered within HMP Barlinnie on a full-time basis, works with inmates to ensure they are ready to complete a claim and have the necessary paperwork, email address, bank account and tenancy details in place. 

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Lorraine Toner – Glasgow Life – 05/09/2020

Informed by the results of a training needs analysis survey with Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs), the common challenges faced by organisations were identified. Hosted by Glasgow Life and Volunteer Glasgow the group delivered an “Inclusive Volunteering” event to over 30 Volunteer Involving Organisations (VIOs) in January 2020. 

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Dr Beth Weaver – University of Glasgow – 04/09/2020

One of the key priorities for Community Justice is Building Protective Factors, meaning that we will improve factors evidenced to influence reoffending including employability, education, health and wellbeing and housing.

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Billy McGuire – Skills Development Scotland – 03/09/2020

We had planned a Community Justice Continuous Professional Development (CPD) event for our own Skills Development Scotland (SDS) team at Parkhead back in November 2019 but felt it a great opportunity to start a wider conversation.  The event was held at the SDS Career Centre in Parkhead, and an invitation extended to adviser colleagues from other Glasgow SDS centres with similar interest to hear about and discuss engaging partners and the community.

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Louise Gallagher – NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – 02/09/2020

What has health got to do with reducing re-offending? As a professional working in Health Improvement this is a question I am often asked. Writing this article has given me the opportunity to reflect on that question. 

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Linda McInally – Glasgow Council on Alcohol – 30/08/2020

Glasgow Council on Alcohol (GCA) has been a partner in the Community Justice Glasgow Partnership for a number of years, providing justice specific services for those whose offending behaviour is deemed to be underpinned by their alcohol addiction issues.

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Doris Williamson – Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership – 28/08/2020

Health Improvement within the prison setting is alive and well and planning for progress. As we prepared for the introduction of a smoke free prison environment we very quickly identified that there were lots of people living in prisons that needed support not just with stopping smoking but with a range of topics that impacted on their health. 

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Richard Hill – Community Empowerment Service – 27/08/2020

Glasgow Community Planning Partnership approved the proposed formation of the pilot project ‘Improved Outcomes Post Liberation’ with the support of all members of the partnership which included not only Government organisation but also Third Sector Interface and the Wheatley Group.

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CJG – 2018

The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act in 2015 requires the Partnership to publish a plan that sets out our shared priorities for the city, where we plan to make improvements and over time show that we have made these improvements. This document sets out the priority and focus areas from October 2017 onwards.

Report | Protective Factors

GCC – 18/03/2021

The purpose of this report is to submit details of the tenders received for the provision of services for Glasgow`s ESF employability pipeline Framework Agreement and recommend acceptance of the most economically advantageous tenders as detailed in this report.

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Scottish Government – 24/11/2020

This publication outlines the next stage of No One Left Behind – the collective approach to delivering an employability system which is flexible, joined up and responsive.

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Scottish Government – 08/05/2018

This is an updated version of the original review entitled ‘What Works to Reduce Reoffending: A Summary of the Evidence’, published in 2012.

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Scottish Government – 26/03/2019

Main findings from the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2017-18 and the self-completion findings covering the period 2016-17 to 2017-18.

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Scottish Government – 10/10/2017

Statistical bulletin on crimes of homicide recorded by the police in Scotland in 2016 to 2017.

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Scottish Government – 2017

The Scottish Government’s approach to mental health from 2017 to 2027 – a 10 year vision.

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Scottish Government – 11/07/2017

Document setting out Scottish Government’s plan for a just, safe and resilient Scotland, with established priorities for 2017 to 2020.

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Scottish Government – 25/04/2019

This Framework was developed over 2018 by the Scottish Government jointly with partners from the volunteer and community sector, local government and NHS, with academics and social researchers, and with volunteers.

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Glasgow Life

Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) and Volunteer Glasgow were asked to lead on a review of the Strategy in order to, “ensure that the future of volunteering in the city aims to achieve the vision outlined in Volunteering for All, 2019 and Glasgow becomes a place ‘where everyone can volunteer, more often, and throughout their lives’”.

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NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde – 2017

This document, while not a systematic review, collates some of the evidence across a range of highly varied determinants related to health and offending to provide a foundation for increased focus on health, justice and inequality. This first section introduces and frames the relationship between offending and inequalities across key domains as our impetus for more collective local action on health and community justice.

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HMIPS 2019

The purpose of HMIPS is to inspect and monitor the treatment and conditions for prisoners in Scotland, in prisons, court custody units, and GeoAmey prisoner transport vehicles, and to report publicly on our findings. HMIPS is independent of the SPS, the SCTS, and the Scottish Government, allowing us to report our findings impartially.

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NHS Education for Scotland – 2019

The framework provides guidance which can be adapted to suit local contexts and circumstances. The framework can be used at a personal, team, service provider and organisational level in several ways, and for a range of purposes.

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Scottish Prison Service – 2015

The Survey was carried out between June and July 2015 on an establishment-by-establishment basis. Prisoners’ views were collected by means of a self-completion questionnaire, which was distributed and collected personally by the member’s prison staff. The Survey involves all prisoners and all establishments.

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Choice Works

The ChoiceWorks Programme aims to support people to move forward to tackle their offending behaviour through individual support, groupwork sessions and training and employability opportunities.

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Alcohol Facts and Figures

Statistics on Alcohol and its effects on people in Scotland.

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Connecting Scotland

Connecting Scotland is a Scottish Government initiative set up in respons to coronavirus. Its aim is to help get every citizen in Scotland online. There are two main strands to this, provision of helpful resources for friends and family to help people get online, and the connecting Scotland Programme – a funded programme to support out most vulnerable citizens to get online.

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Wheatley Group

Wheatley is Scotland’s leading housing, care and property-management group and one of the UK’s best-accredited organisations. Owning or managing over 93,700 homes, Wheatley delivers award-winning services to over 210,000 people across 19 local authorities in Scotland.

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Volunteer Glasgow

Volunteer Glasgow is the operating name of the Volunteer Centre – the Centre for Volunteering, Community Action and Employment Initiatives – which was established in 1970, is a company limited by guarantee (SC166042), is governed by a Board of (experienced and skilled volunteer) Directors, and is registered as a Scottish Charity (SC005462).

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Violence Reduction Unit

The Scottish Violence Reduction Unit is a national center of expertise on violence. Part of Police Scotland, the SVRU targets violence wherever it occurs whether it’s on the streets, in our schools or in our homes. Supported by the Scottish Government the unit has adopted a public health approach treating violence as an infection which can be cured. The SVRU is the only Police member of the World Health Organisation’s Violence Prevention Alliance.

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Supporting Scotlands Vibrant Voluntary Sector

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation for the voluntary sector. Our mission is to support, promote and develop a confident, sustainable voluntary sector in Scotland. We’re passionate about what the voluntary sector can achieve.

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Glasgow Life

Glasgow Life is a charitable organisation. Their mission is to inspire the city’s citizens and visitors to lead richer and more active lives through culture, sport and learning.

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The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) is responsible for the prosecution of crime in Scotland, the investigation of sudden or suspicious deaths and complaints of criminal conduct by police officers on duty.

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Police Scotland

Police Scotland’s purpose is to improve the safety and wellbeing of people, places and communities in Scotland. This focuses on keeping people safe in line with our values of integrity, fairness and respect. 

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Scottish Childrens Reporter Administration Website

The Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) is an executive non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government, with responsibility for protecting children at risk.

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Glasgow Community Partnership

The Glasgow Community Planning Partnership brings key public, private, community and voluntary representatives together with the aim of delivering better, more joined-up public services in the city.

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Recruit With Conviction

Recruit with Conviction Ltd is a not-for-profit company, established to fill the gap that exists for helping businesses to understand the issues and benefits from employing people with criminal records.

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ACE – Aware Scotland

Making Scotland the Worlds First Ace-Aware Nation.

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Glasgow 218

The 218 service provides an alternative to custody for women in the justice system to support them. Many of the women who use the service will have a range of complex needs such as problematic alcohol or other drug use, mental health, physical health, trauma, chronic low self-esteem and self-confidence as well as social isolation.

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Grace Chocolates

At Grace Chocolates, chocolates are handmade by women who have touched the Scottish criminal justice system and are choosing to make positive changes in their lives.  Through making and selling these chocolates the women receive support, training, work experience and the opportunity to raise their self- esteem and resilience which helps lower the barriers they face in finding meaningful work.

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Scottish Prison Services

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) is an executive agency of the Scottish Government tasked with managing prisons and Young Offender Institutions.

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Shine is a national mentoring service for women offenders. The service is provided as a Public Social Partnership (PSP); a strategic partnership between public and social and or voluntary sector organisations.

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Volunteer Glasgow

People Make Glasgow in a range of ways, one of them is volunteering. Find out more about how important volunteering is and the huge numbers of opportunities for everyone to get involved in doing brilliant things.

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Volunteer Glasgow

Find out what the city has been doing over the last 3 years, the challenges the city faces and the issues that should be addressed by Glasgow’s Volunteering Strategy.

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Crawford County Human Services – 14/03/2016

Short video showing the evidence that Adverse Childhood Experiences can have an impact on the development of the child mentally and physically.

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Legislation.gov.uk – 2016

This strategy provides a shared vision to help partners and communities work together effectively to improve community justice outcomes. The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 places duties on statutory partners who have a key role to play in improving community justice outcomes.

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This strategy provides a shared vision to help partners and communities work together effectively to improve community justice outcomes. The Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016 places duties on statutory partners who have a key role to play in improving community justice outcomes.

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Scottish Government

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Scottish Recovery Network

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Scottish Government

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Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol & Drugs

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Glasgow Life

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Glasgow City HSCP Report

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Glasgow City HSCP Report

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Scottish Sentencing Council

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Last modified: 14 October 2024
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